Friday, 29 March. Palace of Science and Culture, Rudniew Hall, 4th floor
International Conference: 100 years of women’s vote: celebration or mobilization? Warsaw, 29-31 March 2019
13.00: Registration
13:30: Opening of the Conference: Heidi Meinzolt (WILPF Germany), Nina Sankari (KLF, Poland).
13.40: Panel I „History of women’s fight for the right to vote”.
Marta Dzido (filmmaker, Poland), Małgorzata Tkacz-Janik (Kongres Kobiet, Poland), Heidi Meinzolt (WILPF Germany), Judit Morva (Le Monde Diplo, Hungary), Gwendoline Coipeault (Femmes Solidaires, France), Nada Peratović (Freethinkers Association, Switzerland). Chair: Monika Szymańska (SWOR, Poland).
14.50: Panel II „Women’s rights and gender equality today. Prospects and challenges. Ewa Dąbrowska-Szulc (Pro Femina, Poland), Marta Lempart (Polish Women on Strike, Poland), Stasa Zajović (Women in Black, Serbia), Nada Peratović (Civil Courage Center, Croatia), Maryam Namazie (One Law for All, Iran/GB). Chair: Wanda Nowicka (RóNo, Poland).
16.00: Violence against women: Cora Jensen, Hanna Kolbjørnsen, Assia Chelaghma and Shobika Suthahar (Jurk Association, Norway).
16.30: Women and Religion: Annie-Laurie Gaylor (Freedom from Religion Foundation, USA).
17.00: Coffee@snack break
International Days of Atheism 2019
18.00: Opening: Marek Łukaszewicz (FKL, Poland), Nina Sankari (FKL, Poland), Marek Gura (Atheist Alliance of America, USA)
18.10: Opening speeches: – Prof. Paweł Golik (Warsaw University, Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology), Sanal Edamaruku (Rationalist International, India/Finland), Dan Barker (Freedom from Religion Foundation, USA)
19.30: Panel disussion „Blasphemy laws – the shame of the 21th century”. Elisabeth O’Casey (HI, Great Britain), Waleed Al-Husseini (Ex- Muslims, Palestine/France), Kacem El-Ghazzali (HI, Morocco/Switzerland), Abderrahmane M’hiri (Freethinkers Association, Tunisia), Michael Nugent (Atheist Ireland), Michael Godicheau (BECLP, France). Chair: Nina Sankari (FKL, Poland),
20.45: End of program
Saturday, 30 March. Staszic Palace, Mirrors Hall
09.30: Registration and welcome coffee
10.00: International Conference „Right to Die as fundamental human right”.
Dr Anna Alichniewicz (Department of Bioethics, Medical University of Łodź) Jean-Luc Romero (President RtD France), Micheline Claes (RtD, France, CAL Belgium), Michael Nugent (RtD Ireland), Nina Sankari (KLF Poland).
11.30: Presentation: 330 Anniversary of Kazimierz Lyszczynski death. Kazimierz Łyszczyński Foundation Declaration on Kazimierz Lyszczynski
12.00: Parade of Atheists: „We the Atheists”: Michael Nugent (Atheist Ireland), Vesna Puhovski (Protagora, Croatia), Dan Barker (FFRF,USA), Stasa Zajovic (Women in Black, Serbia), Prof. Stanisław Tyrlik (Polska), Ibticem Lachgar (MALI, Maroko), Anna Grodzka (Medium Publiczne, Poland), Pierre Gueguen (Free Thought France), Prof. Joanna Senyszyn (Poland), Kacem Al-Ghazzali, Annie-Laurie Gaylor (FFRF US), Piotr Szumlewicz (Bez Dogmatu, Poland).
13.30: Mark Gura Speech (Atheist Alliance of America, USA)
14.00: Lunch break
15.00: March of Atheists with the Feminist Section and reenactment of Kazimierz Lyszczynski death
16.45: Rise of atheism worldwide: Maryam Namazie (One Law for All, Great Britain), Armin Navabi (Atheist Republic, US), Nina Sankari (FKL, Poland), Sadia Hameed (Ex-Muslims, Great Britain)
17.45: Break
18.00: Jarred Dunn plays Chopin (Canada)
18.30: Dan Barker playing piano&singing
19.00: Walk to the Gala Dinner Hall
19.30: Atheist Gala Dinner.
Program: Atheist of the Year Award, Performance of Victoria Gugenheim (Great Britain), Atheist LGBT Engagement Ceremony, Maria Evans playing.
23.00: End of program
Sunday, 31 March, Palace of Culture and Science, Mirrors Hall
International Conference „Freedom of Conscience as a fundamental democratic value. Fighting discrimination based on religious motivation”
(współorganizowana z Fundacją Wolność od Religii)
09.00: Registration&welcome coffee
10.00: Panel I „Black pages of the Church (pedophilia, financial scandals, far right support): Michał Charzyński (Poland), Piotr Szumlewicz (Bez dogmatu, Poland), Marek Lisiński („Nie lękajcie się” Poland), Katarzyna Wójtowicz (Dość milczenia, Poland), Marta Abramowicz (Poland).
11.10: Not so Holy Father: Hugo Estrella (Argentina)
11.30: Discussion
12.00: Coffee& snacks break
12.30: Panel II „In defense of freedom of conscience and of the rights of women, LGBT, atheists, children. Ketevan Bakradze (AHA Austria, Georgia), Ibticem Lachgar (MALI Morocco), Nidhal Gharsi (INARATunisia), Vesna Puhowski (Protagora, Croatia), Andrzej Wójcik (Fundacja Wolność od Religii Poland), Monika Rak (Lesbijska Inspira, Polska).
14.00: Feminist Panel: “Women vote peace”: Stasa Zajović (Women in Black, Serbia), Solange Cidreira (French CDD France/Bresil), Maki Y. Kimura (WILPF UK, Japan), Heidi Meinzolt (WILPF Germany), Nada Peratovic (Center for Civil Courage, Croatia).
15.15: Discussion
16.45: Closing remarks
16.00: End of event
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