Preliminary Program.
Optional parts of event in italics.
Friday, 29 March. Palace of Culture and Sciences, Rudniew Hall, 4th floor
14:00: Opening of the Conference: Heidi Meinzolt (WILPF Germany), Nina Sankari (KLF, Poland)
14.10: Panel I „History of women’s fight for the right to vote”. Marta Dzido (filmmaker, Poland), Heidi Meinzolt (WILPF Germany), Vesna Puhovski (Protagora, Croatia), name to be confirmed.
15.15: Panel II „Women’s rights and gender equality today. Prospects and challenges. Ewa Dąbrowska-Szulc (Pro Femina, Poland), Marta Lempart (Polish Women on Strike, Poland) JURK representative, (Norway), Stasa Zajevic (Women in Black, Serbia), Maryam Namazie (One Law for All Iran/GB), Wanda Nowicka, Poland.
16.30: Women and Religion. Annie-Laurie Gaylor (Freedom from Religion Foundation, USA).
17.00: Coffeee@snack break
Option: possibility to attend the International Atheist Days 2019
18.00: Opening: Marek Łukaszewicz (FKL, Poland), Nina Sankari (FKL, Poland), Marek Gura (Atheist Alliance of America)
18.10: Opening speech – Prof. Paweł Golik (Warsaw University, Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology)
18.40: Opening speech – Sanal Edamaruku (Rationalist International, India/Finland)
19.00: Opening speech – Dan Barker (Freedom from Religion Foundation)
19.30: Panel disussion „Blasphemy laws– the shame of the 21 century”. Elisabeth O’Casey (IHEU, Great Britain), Waleed Al-Husseini (Ex- Muslims, Palestine/France), Kacem El-Ghazzali (IHEU, Morocco/Swiss), Abderrahmane M’hiri (Freethinkers Association, Tunisia), Nina Sankari (FKL, Poland), Michael Nugent (Atheist Ireland).
Saturday, 30 March. Staszic Palace, Mirrors Hall
10.00: International Conference „Right to Die as fundamental human right”.
Aycke Smook (President European RtD Association), Jean-Luc Romero (President RtD France), prof. Jan Hartman (Warsaw University, Poland), dr Jacek Malczewski (Bialystok University, Poland).
11.30: 330 Anniversary of Kazimierz Lyszczynski death. Presentation.
12.00: Atheist Parade „We the Atheists”: Annie Laurie Gaylor (FRF, USA), Michael Nugent (Atheist Ireland), Maryam Namazie (Ex-Muslims Iran/GB), David Orenstein (HA, USA), Stasa Zajevic (Women in Black, Serbia), Mark Gura (AAA, USA), Ibticem Lachgar (MALI, Tunisia), Michel Godicheau (Free Thought France), Anna Grodzka (Transfuzja, Poland,)Pierre Gueguen (Free Thought France), Micheline Claes (ADMD France) Nidal Zaidi (Tunisia), Nina Sankari (KLF, Poland).
13.30: Victoria Gugenheim performance
13.45: Lunch break
15.00: March of Atheists and a re-enactment of Kazimierz Lyszczynski death, Feminist section
17.30: Chopin Recital by Jarred Dunn
18.00: Dan Barker playing piano
19.00: Gala Dinner
23.00: End of program
Sunday, 31 March, Palace of Culture and Science, Mirrors Hall
International Conference „Freedom of Conscience as a fundamental democratic value. Fighting discrimination based on religious motivation”
10.00: Panel I Black pages of the Church (pedophilia, financial scandals, support of far right&fashists: Marek Lisiński („Nie lękajcie się” Poland), Michał Charzyński (Poland), Piotr Szumlewicz (Bez dogmatu, Poland), Marta Abramowicz (Poland)
11.30: Panel II „In defense of rights of women, LGBT, atheists, children. Religion and rights of animals: Anna Zawadzka (Poland), Nidal Zaidi (Tunisia), Waleed El Husseini (Palestine/France), Ibticem Lachgar (Morocco).
13.00: Lunch break
14.00: Women vote peace”: Stasa Zajević (Women in Black, Serbia), Solange Cidreira (FAE France/Bresil), Heidi Meinzolt (WILPF Germany), Vesna Puhova (Protagora, Croatia).
15.30: Film screening, discussion
18.00: Closing of the Conference and of the Days of Atheism
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